
Showing posts from December, 2022

Is Gun Control the Answer?

  Is Gun Control the Answer?        - December 5, 2022  Wall of Guns,  OrlandoGunClub        In the wake of mass shooting, firearms have been getting a lot of negative attention. Many citizens and left-wing government officials are calling for gun control, and in some cases a complete ban of guns. Sure, we need to make the process of abstaining a gun harder. But is strict gun control really the answer? Does it lower crime and mass shootings? What about the Second Amendment?       Everyone in America will agree that the country faces a major problem with gun related violence. But how we deal with this problem is where people begin to form sides. Many American citizens and left-wing officials say strict gun laws and bans are the only answer. But does this really work to end gun crime? A lot of data is trending towards no.       Some cities and states such as New York and Chicago started placing strict gun control in effect. Both cities have seen a decrease in violent crimes, but gun rela

Controlling Gun Violence

  Controlling Gun Violence       - December 5, 2022  Why Blame the  Gun      Mass shootings have plagued the United States for years. It seems like every time you turn on the news you are seeing the devastating effects of another. The center of attention around mass shootings has been firearms. Many call for tighter restrictions or a complete gun ban, but is this really the answer? Is there a middle ground for this highly controversial topic?      After every mass shooting there is always an uproar of citizens calling for a change. That is one thing that people on both sides of the debate can agree on, a change. Many people believe strict gun laws are the answer, but there is a lot of data that says something else.      Strict gun laws are already in effect in many states. States like NYC and Chicago have some of the strictest gun laws. Both cities have seen a decrease in violent crimes, but at the same time gun violence is still growing at an alarming rate. Why?      In NYC dangerous